Langue English Jêzyk Polski

Outdoor temperature

Outside temperature
sensor - installation Outside temperature sensor should be placed in shady, airy place 2m above the ground. To achieve such conditions you need to either build a meteorological cage or at least cover the sensor itself.
I decided to take a little bit different way - and used an air inlet located on the north side of the house. At the other end of this air inlet (in the room) non-return valve is installed (to make sure that we do not measure the temperature of the room). In the same place I also installed hygrometer, and in the room to which this air inlet goes my barometer is installed. As temperature sensor DS18B20 is used.

Temperature read from the sensor:
owread 28.sensor_number/temperature12

To readings we can as usual add our favorite graphical presentation:

Personal Weather Station.

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Last Modified: 2011-08-08